Youth clubs in Poti, Terjola, Didinedzi

Category: Young Leaders' School Written by Super User Hits: 1289

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Informational meetings of youth clubs were held in the private school of Terjola and in public schools of Poti and the village Didinedzi (Zugdidi municipality).

Gender-based violence, forms and mechanisms of protection for violence prevention – this was the topic of the meetings.

After discussing the main topic, there were group games, showing the scenes of violence: domestic violence, violence at school, and conflicts between married couples. The teenagers worked independently, some of them participated for the first time. They clearly saw the forms of violence and their negative consequences. They also learned how to protect themselves from violence.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)