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Three meetings of the Youth Club


In the beginning of May 3 meetings of the Youth Club were held, participants discussed the issues of ethics, aesthetics, sex education and early marriage.
On May 1 at school №1 of Tskhaltubo 22 people attended (18 students and parents) an active discussion.
It was noted that in one class, two girls got married, so it is necessary to speak about such important topics to inform the youth about another section of the problem.
In the public school of the village Koki (Zugdidi Municipality) informational meeting was attended by 15 girls and boys. The meeting was also attended by three pupils from the school of the village Orsantiya. Attendants were actively involved in the discussion. Despite the "awkward issues", there was a feeling of space and openness of youth.
The third meeting was held on May 5 in Women's Support Centre of Khoni. Subject slightly strained audience. Some participants said that it is necessary to meet and discuss such topics, while others were against. Although they expressed their position openly, talked about the problems, identified ethics and aesthetics.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


Last modified on Monday, 26 February 2018 14:28
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