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Final meeting and excursion

The project launched by the Fund "Sukhumi" on May 1came to its end. The project was aimed at persons with disabilities, together with the National Network of Women's NGOs on violence against women
On July 24 informational meeting was held in a different format. There was organized a visit at the House-Museum of famous Georgian writer David Kldiashvili village Simoneti (Terjola municipality). It was an informational meeting and conclusions, and tour...
Beneficiaries expressed their pleasure:
Liana Kukhianidze: - I learned a lot. I liked your job, attention from your side. I will remember this day for a long time...
Robert Tsereteli: - I am satisfied with the training, which taught me a lot about the work of NGOs, attended the meeting at City Hall. I learned that anyone can attend the meetings.
Nato Kupatadze: - During this period legal and psychological consultations, meetings with Fund "Sukhumi" staff were special for me. It is a pity that the project is going to end soon...


Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:07
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