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Partner meetings in Prague

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On April 18-19, the Fund "Sukhumi" organized a study tour to Prague in frames of the project "Studying the experience of the B4 countries for advocating equal, inclusive and democratic governance at the local level".

The meeting was attended by project partners from the Abkhazian side, experts, project participants from the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, representatives of the fund “Sukhumi”.

The following questions were raised: Familiarization with the experience of the Visegrad countries in achieving gender equality; Role of civil society in ensuring gender equality and euro integration; Presentation of the activities of the Fund "Sukhumi" and its contribution to the institutionalization of gender mechanisms at the local level.

With the help of the partners, an interesting meeting was organized with the local Self-government "Prague 10" to familiarize with the experience of gender mainstreaming in the local municipality.

A key place during the meeting was the discussion of methodology and development of a research methodology for policy documents on gender mainstreaming in local authorities in the context of European integration.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund 


Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:06
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