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The initiative group of women in Tskhaltubo


There started the next phase of the project "Women implementing inclusive approaches in the field of human security to build a sustainable world." After workshops on the theme of human security in Tskhaltubo, Kutaisi and Khoni there were created initiative groups of women.

Tskhaltubo initiative group consists of 6 women. Each of them is selected by a special survey. In one of the paragraphs of the questionnaire, why you want to become a member of the initiative group, the activists wrote that around them there are lots of problems that can be solved at the local level, and they want to be actively involved in the process of advocacy of these issues.

Members of the initiative group will have a special training, after which they will be included in advocacy of the issues.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)
Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:04
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