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Two three-month projects in Lanchkhuti


In June-August two projects will be implemented in Lanchkhut municipality. This work is part of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

“Promoting the development of skills of public workers in midterm prospect” - is the name of the project of Lanchkhuti Information Center. Its aim is to increase the knowledge and skills of public workers in the issues of public administration reform, communication, presentation and facilitation, needs research, as well as development and institutionalization of training strategy of the municipality.

“The Electronic Communicator of Reporting and Transparency of Sakrebulo” is a project of Georgian Rural Hall. As a result of its implementation, the Sakrebulo of Lanchkhuti Municipality will have a simple, understandable web application of the electronic communicator in line with modern technologies, and this will increase the transparency and reporting of Sakrebulo.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia
Last modified on Tuesday, 23 June 2020 04:43
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