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Meetings with political parties

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Cultural-Humanitarian Fund “Sukhumi” representative office in Tbilisi has started meetings with the political parties about the current innovative project - “Online Vote-O-Meter - Voter Advice Application for 2020 Georgian Parliamentary Elections”. The main purpose of Voter Advise Application is to raise awareness of voters about upcoming elections and programs of the political parties. The representatives of the Fund “Sukhumi” have shared information about project with political parties and discussed possibility of their involvement in its implementation. The parties have expressed interest and willingness to cooperate. The organization continues meetings and communication with active political parties to ensure their involvement in the project.   

At the moment we have met the following political parties:Eka Beselia’s political party “For Justice”, “Lelo for Georgia”, “Girchi”, „United National Movement”, “European Georgia”.

“Voter Advice Application” implies the creation of the online platform. By answering the questions integrated in the application, the citizens will get information about  position of the political parties. It will help the voter to identify the political parties closer to his/her views and to ensure an informed choice.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund

Last modified on Friday, 21 August 2020 11:39
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