Radio programme on the topic of policy and practice of local self-government

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A radio program of Fund Sukhumi on the topic "Local Gender Policy and Practice - Achievements and Challenges" was broadcasted on December 18 via radio "Dzveli kalaki".

What is needed to promote equal and democratic governance at the local level, how important is the gender agenda in local politicy and practice; what can become an instrument for the implementation of gender-based policies; What kind of practice exists in Georgia on gender budgeting and what is the local perspective for its large-scale implementation?

Dialogue in the studio with the author of the research was supplemented by interviews with representatives of non-governmental organizations and local executive and legislative authorities.

Particularly interesting were the visions of women who have been elected to local government during recent elections. They talked about gender budgeting, the need for gender education and capacities of local officials.

Listeners received detailed information about the project of Fund “Sukhumi“, which will propose the introduction of a gender agenda and the strategy for the implementation of gender reforms. The strategy will be based on field studies, existing international experience, large-scale meetings held during the project, which highlight local gender needs and visions and where institutional strengthening of local Gender Advisory Councils are of particular importance.

The program also announced a future meeting with stakeholders responsible for the gender policy of local self-government of Samegrelo.

The project is implemented with the support of the Visegrad Fund