The work of Senaki GAC - in the air of radio "Dzveli kalaki"

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The program tells about the project of Senaki Gender Advisory Council (GAC) "Prevention of domestic violence in Senaki municipality", which is funded by the Fund "Sukhumi" and the local government. The project is implemented in the villages of Senaki municipality and it includes members of the GAC. According to them, workshops conducted with different groups of society are very important for the promotion of gender education and reduction of domestic violence.

Respondents of the program touched a research conducted by the Gender Advisory Council of Senaki, talked about his goals, obtained results, there were identified issues that were mentioned as vital by the women, youth, persons with disabilities and other civic groups. They expressed the hope that the recommendations received after the analysis of the study will be taken into account in the budget of self-government of Senaki and the basis for this is  the experience of previous years.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality