Unprecedented action "unikalmedi" and Fund "Sukhumi" in Koki

Category: Women Support Centers Written by Super User Hits: 2385


Up to 200 people gathered on July 16 in the village Koki (Zugdidi Municipality) - not only the population of the village, but also residents of other villages of the municipality - Orsantia, Khurcha, Kakhati. The action was well organized by the Women Support Center of Khurcha / Koki - the mobilizers actively disseminated information about a very useful and necessary activity.

Kutaisi clinic "unikalmedi" conducted free medical consultations / examinations in the villages that are located near Abkhazia in the following areas: radiology, echoscopy, cardiology, neurology, therapy, urology, gastroenterology, surgery and endocrinology.

The action was not completed only by this - doctors of the clinic transported 9 patients on their own transport. Now 16 people are in hospital for treatment. Especially it is necessary to say that part of the sum is provided by the state insurance, and the rest - by the decision of the administration, is covered by the clinic.

For those who did not get a free service on the day of the action, the clinic is ready to provide a 50% discount.

This is really an unprecedented action, arranged by the "unikalmedi" clinic in the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, signed with the Fund "Sukhumi".

The action will continue in Poti, Khoni and Senaki.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)