Perception of Tolerance among Youth - Theme of Information Meetings

Category: Young Leaders' School Written by Super User Hits: 1736


Perception of tolerance among young people - information meetings of the Youth Clubs of the Fund "Sukhumi" took place in school # 1 in the village Geguti (Tskaltubo municipality), in the Kutaisi youth center, in the school of the village Mendji (Senaki municipality), at school # 21 Poti, in Khoni library and in the school of the village Koki (Zugdidi municipality).

Participants assessed the problem of tolerance in society, talked about relations to traditions, to representatives of religious minorities, to foreign students, etc.

Their considerations are as follows:

"Among the youth there is aggression, and against it you need to use the method of more information."

"Discussion of similar topics in the free space is more effective than on civil lessons in the school."

"Talking about such topics is important for the formation of a person. The free environment, the identification of their own capabilities and work on themselves - all this is the merit of the Club."

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)