Senaki, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi, Lanchkhuti - meetings in Youth clubs

Category: Young Leaders' School Written by Super User Hits: 1394

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In the second half of August, information meetings were held in the Youth Clubs of Senaki, Ozurgeti, Kutaisi and Lanchkhuti. There was discussion of the topic: "Prevention of domestic violence, protection mechanisms, the role of society", different opinions, active inclusion of young people.

Opinions of the participants:

"I learned a lot in the club. I did not think that I would have such interest. "

"It's very important for me to hold such free meetings."

"Informal education among young people has positive changes. I am one of the brightest examples of this."

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)