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The formation of new skills is the merit of the training course

97 teenagers participated in trainings held in Vani, Tsalenjikha, Tkibuli, Senaki and Kobuleti. Some meetings were held in a traditional, live form. The other part took place in the Internet space. Despite the form, all meetings were equally interesting, active and informative.

Early marriage and ways to resolve conflicts - the students discussed these issues with the trainers. They gave relevant examples, argued about the negative outcomes of early marriages, or the importance of early conflict resolution.

Meetings of such kind give teenagers the opportunity to think freely. They learn to express their opinions, listen actively, ask and answer questions...

The culture of group work, discussion and conversation - all these skills that young people have acquired or reinforced - are the merit of the training course.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)


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