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Training on “Business Planning and Management of Small/Micro Business”

Training on “Business Planning and Management of Small/Micro Business” was held for 16 beneficiaries of the Day Rehabilitation Center at the Women Fund “Sukhumi” (trainer: Elguja Deisadze, Associate Professor at Kutaisi University).

The following topics were covered during two days: business planning and the basics of writing projects, the methodology of a systematic approach to the formation and organization of a new business, as well as the development of necessary skills for drawing up a business plan.

The participants had developed a business idea. Therefore, the training process was targeted, and the trainer gave specific recommendations.

At the end of the training, the participants: presented a business project, assessed business risks and filled out a business project application.

The assessment of the training participants:

"This was necessary and useful training."

"We discussed important topics."

"I learned a lot, and this opens up new opportunities for me".

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst (Germany)

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