Camp of teenagers finished its work

Project of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (AGC) “Camp of Teenagers – Gender Education for Young Athletes” was finished. In frames of 8-day program, the participants conducted 6 work-shops on “Gender, Gender Equality”. The program was full of sport, educational and cultural activities.
The camp was visited by the Mayor of Kutaisi – Shota Murgulia, Chairperson od Sakrebulo – David Dvali, members of the GAC.
The program will promote to teenagers to live healthy lifestyle and be more interested in gender issues. In this direction there are already revealed concrete results. The group of activists was created, on the initiative of which a discussion club will be created in Kutaisi public schools and the discussions on the issue of gender will be continued. There are girls, who got interested in so called “man sport”, for example judo. It will contribute to ruin stereotypes and establish of equal opportunities in all sports.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 11:48

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