Conflict management through studying own character


Workshop with the youth started with the analysis of private conflicts and psychological test, which gave the participants possibility to define their psychological type.

After this task there was imitation of family scenes. Participants "mastered" in the role of aggressive husband and obedient wife, considered contributing factors and reflected the dynamics of the conflict. Performances showed that the escalation of the conflict often depends on the nature of man.

How to manage conflicts, in order to avoid becoming a victim or rapist - on this subject there was held interactive work.

After fixing different opinions, there was general assessment: we must be able to analyze conflicts, manage emotions, act to neutralize the situation.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 11:48

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