Incorrect self-evaluation is directly connected with violence. If you have high level of self-evaluation, you may become the rapist. Low self-evaluation makes you a victim – so the young people think, who participated in the work-shops in Tskaltubo, Poti, and Senaki.
Diversity of opinions were held on: what are our efforts to avoid violence.
-I try to prove my advantage during conflict situation, which is a barrier in relations for me. It is caused by me high self-evaluation level and it is not right. In order to manage conflicts, we must have correct self-evaluation – similar opinion was announced after discussion.
Totally 46 young people took part in wor-shops. The pupils plan to continue discussion in their schools with their followers.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)