Ordinary workshops were held with the women in conflict management. The activities were held in frames of the campaign “16 active days against violation towards the women”. Majority of participants consider that problem of violence is very actual in Georgia and whole society must unite against it.
We know that domestic conflict continue for years, know that nothing changes in these families for better, but we keep silence, because we have lack of solidarity, we do not think that tomorrow someone, close to us, can appear in such a situation and we will bot be able to help them.
These were the opinions of women, who took part in workshops of conflictology. They think that if the woman has much information, she is much stronger and can manage conflicts in family, but she must be sure that will be supported from the side of society.
The workshops were held in Poti, Tskaltubo, Senaki – 31 women took part in them.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)