When the forum theater comes to school for the first time...

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The first visit of the forum theater is always special. Two meetings in January were also special. The meetings were held in public schools of the villages of Khajalia (Lanchkhuti municipality) and Anaseuli (Ozurgeti municipality).

The performances (scene of domestic violence, relations between children and parents) aroused emotions among students and teachers. The scene was quite sensitive - when the mother returns after 10 years of emigration and the children do not accept her. The part of audience whose relatives are abroad were particularly worried.

There was everything at the meetings: surprise, interest, discussion, active involvement, applause... Director of school of the village Khajalia expressed a desire to hold performances in the village club. This is one of the important results of the forum-theater activity.

The work of the forum-theater was interesting for the informational portal "Kutaisipost". The journalists, together with the young people went to the village Khajalia, made a record of the performance and the interviews.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Wednesday, 30 January 2019 19:06

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