"Gender lights" of the Olympic flame

TV journal “7 Days” of TV Company “Rioni”, aires preparation to Olympic Flame in Kutaisi. The flame will be there on June 23, accompanied by 14 torchbearers and 2 women among them.
The program is related to the project of Kutaisi GAC “Olympiad Gives Equal Possibilities”. The proeject is implemented with co-financing of the fund “Sukhumi” and the City Hall. The aim of which is to show the society that women and men may be involved in sports.
“Gender equality does not mean only political arena”, - considers the chairperson of the GAC, member of Sakrebulo – Irma Petriashvili.
“We make gender stress on the fact that sport is not masculine culture. For this, in frames of the project special T-shirts with symbols are prepared, also informational materials that emphasize the equal progress and results of women "- note the project participants.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:20

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