Meeting of the network of Gender Advisory Councils of Georgia

TV show “7 Days” devoted one of its blocks to the second meeting of the GAC network, which was organized in Kutaisi by the fund “”Sukhumi”. The network meeting was held in a new format and was attended by the representatives of Sakrebulo and City Hall.

The story tells about the results, which were made as a result of network work. At the given phase the recommendations were elaborated for the action plan of protection from domestic violence, which defines the spheres of self-government in this direction and comprises of concrete issues, that should be done in direction of violence prevention and victims’ assistance.

By the evaluation of the respondents, the meeting was very productive and timely, which promotes to more involvement of self – government in the issue solution.


The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:19

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