Radio program in "Dzveli kalaki"

"Dzveli kalaki" aired a program prepared by radio journalist of the Fund "Sukhumi" about a work of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council (GAC). GAC members talk about socially important issues initiated by Gender Council, on cooperation with the local government, as well as the planned and already implemented activities.
Story highlighted the importance of the research that laid the foundation for self-government and the recommendations of the project being undertaken in terms of the development of the GAC service in sphere of pre-school education and gender education of kindergarten staff.
In the story it is said that, the Law on Gender Equality exists for 5 years, which obliged the local government, to bring local legislation into line with the law, but it did not happen. Particularly important in this regard is introduction of gender budgeting practices, which, according to respondents, is one of the main directions of the GAC. There was expressed confidence that direction of gender in the budget for 2016 will be the more visible.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:19

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