Story on TV “Rioni” – Kutaisi GAC

Informational story in TV “Rioni”, aired on July 15, familiarized the audience with the topics of ordinary meeting of Kutaisi GAC. The members of GAC discussed results of needs research and on the basis of elaborated conclusions, began to work on package of proposals and recommendations for submission to the self-government.
Chairperson of the GAC announced most practical issues, which were raised by the group of research, answer the citizens’ needs and are in competence of local government - installation of signposts at the stops, creating informative and entertaining center for the elderly and etc.
Representatives of the fund “Sukhumi” talked about the aims of research. It was mentioned that the work revealed needs of women, youth, socially unprotected and disabled persons. Members of the GAC have a hope that most important issues will be chosen and submitted to the self-government for envisaging them in 2016 budget.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:18

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