Summarizing the results in the Radio program

The program in radio “Rioni” – was summarizing the results of the project of the fund “Sukhumi” – “Changing of the Local Government policy Towards Gender Budgeting”. In the studio “Dialogue” there were invited: coordinator of the project, member of Kutaisi Gender Advisory Council, Methodist of the kindergartens and journalist of TV Company “Rioni”.
During the show there was held a conversation regarding activities in frames of the project, about the work in kindergartens, collaboration with local self-government and future prospects.
It was mentioned the positive impact of the project on its participants and gender policy of the city. There were revealed initiatives of Kutaisi GAC, which are prepared for submission in Sakrebulo and will be envisaged in 2016 budget.
The project  is implemented with the support of the Czech non-governmental organization
«The independent socio-environmental movement»


Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:18

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