TV Show in the air of “Rioni”

How can be evaluated the project, as a result of which everyone mentions serious promotion of establishment of gender policy, what are the achievements of Gender Advisory Councils, established three years ago by the fund “Sukhumi” and what are their prospects in future.

In the air of TV Company “Rioni” the staff of fund “Sukhumi”, representatives of Kutaisi Sakrebulo and City Hall spoke about concrete results: understanding the needs of local social groups, the creation of a gender budget program parameters. It has been said that the sign of a successful completion of the project - implementation of gender councils at the legislative level. It is necessary to keep the charge, which appeared with the cooperation of self - government with different social groups and became the key to solving many of the issues.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:18

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