TV program about introduction of gender policy

A TV program about the situation related to introduction of gender policy at local level was broadcasted on live of TV "Rioni".  

A chairperson of Tskhaltubo Municipality Council (Sakrebulo), secretary of the Gender Equality Council of Tskhaltubo Municipality, members of Kutaisi Gender Equality Council, and representatives of society participated in the program. Attendees spoke about the work organized by Fund “Sukhumi in terms of gender studies, elaboration of a Strategic Guidance on local gender policy, the consultative service of the Gender Equality Councils of Municipalities, the process of an Action Plan development. Representatives of Tskhaltubo and Kutaisi Gender Equality Councils talked about gender programs of municipalities and the practice of cooperation with a qualified non-governmental sector.

A TV story that was shown during the program, described meetings in the municipalities of Tskhaltubo and Lanchkhuti, as well as an international conference organized by Fund Sukhumi in Tbilisi.

The program was prepared within the framework of the project "Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance".

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund
Last modified on Tuesday, 26 June 2018 17:18

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