Round table in Tskaltubo on the topic of positive conflict transformation

The Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, rethinking the approaches to the conflict settlement and new vectors for its transformation - this urgent issue was considered in the meeting room of Tskaltubo Sakrebulo, where an interesting audience gathered: representatives of the local government, school principals, young people, activists of the Tskaltubo Women Support Center of the fund “Sukhumi”.

At the round table there was presented a study in which important stages of the post-conflict period and the negotiation process, problems and potential of the population of the Gali district are presented. During the group work, the meeting participants recorded interesting proposals that could contribute to a positive transformation of the Georgian-Abkhazian conflict.

The project is implemented with the support of Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA

Last modified on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 12:51

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