“Introducing Gender Approaches at the Local Level” - A Round Table in Vani

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Discussions on the "introducing gender approaches at the local level", organized by the Fund "Sukhumi", were held in the hall of the Vani Municipality Sakrebulo (Municipal Council). The representatives of the legislative and executive governments of the local municipality and the members of the Gender Equality Council attended the meeting.

The talk mainly focused on the manual for gender strategies at the local level, developed by the Fund "Sukhumi"; In particular, how to introduce gender mainstreaming at the local level, what should the people working in this field pay attention to, what is gender budgeting and why it matters.

The participants of the discussion stated that the formation of gender policy in the municipality is at the initial stage, therefore, they would continue to actively cooperate with the Fund "Sukhumi" in this regard.

The round table meeting was held as part of the project “Learning from Visegrad Four experience to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance.”

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Last modified on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 12:51

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