“Own” peaceful planets of the girls – at the end of training

18 girls gathered in Kutaisi in the Hotel “”Imeri from different parts of Western Georgia (Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Zugdidi, Khobi, Gali, villages of Zugdidi Municipality – Gamukhuri and Abastumani).
Most interesting, motivated and creative ones out of 23, were chosen by the – as it was demanded by the training. 
The girls actively worked on: “Analysis of Georgian – Abkhazian conflict, gender aspects of post-conflict regulation (including creative methods)”.
The training was held in frames of joint Georgian – Abkhazian project “Strengthening of women’s voices on the level of decision making” (donor: federal department of foreign affairs of Switzerland).
During four days the participants touched many interesting, familiar and unknown issues: reasons of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict, ways of regulation, mission of UN and other international organizations, Geneva negotiations, women leadership, peaceful vision.
Among the participants there were girls from conflict zone, who gave lots of interesting and received also important information for them.
The training was held with by experience trainers with great interest, also experts in the issues of Geogian-Abkhazian conflict – Yulia Kharaishvili, Dali Khomeriki, Khatuna Gogua and Eka Gamakharia. Different blocks were attended by the director of the projet Alla Gamakharia, coordinator – Meri Gelashvili.
Last two days, the girls were “torn of” the real world – they created own planets with own dictionaries, found their ways of regulating Georgia – Abkhazian conflict. It was very interesting and unsusual…
The training was especial – by active discussions, group work and presentations, games, informal relations, attending performance of the forum-theatre.
We can endless write about emotions of girls, which they openly shared at the end of training:
“Training gave me knowledge, wings, enthusiasm!”
“I received information about stages of the conflict, learn about dynamics of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict”.
“I persuaded that my fantasy and ideas have no limit!”
“Tired and full of emotions!”
The project  is implemented with the support of  
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs   of Switzerland FDFA


Last modified on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 12:48

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