In Senaki there was finished research of local gender needs of women



Members of Gender Advisory Council of Senaki conducted a research of local gender needs of women. In frames of the project, there were held 4 focus-groups with the teachers of schools and kindergartens, doctors, women – leaders, young parents, disabled persons, 4 in-depth interviews with the experts of economics, education, local government and health-care. 200 persons were inquired, including socially unprotected women, IDP women and youth.

 As a result of the research there were fixed main needs of target groups – creation of working places, raising the level of education, salaries, raising informing on local budget and programs, business trainings and consultations in small business, long-term bank credits in low percentage, programs of taking care after invalids and elderly and many else.

This is the third research held by the GAC of Senaki for three years of existence. As a result of analysis there will be elaborated recommendations and submitted to local government for envisaging in local budget 2017.  

The project is implemented with the support
of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:07

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