Journalists at the meeting of Senaki GAC


The main topic of discussion, of the twenty-sixth session of the Gender Advisory Council of Senaki were the results of the research conducted by the GAC members regarding local gender needs. They presented brief reports on the research, noting the basic needs of the target groups.

There was also talk about the current project of the GAC carried out in 14 territorial units of Senaki municipality -   10 workshops were held with gender initiative groups established in the villages. The project is ongoing and the next phase will focus on the active involvement of rural youth in the process of prevention of domestic violence.

To firsthand see the results of the research and the process of implementation of a new project, journalists from our partner media were invited at the meeting - the newspaper "Kolkheti", TV "Egrisi" and radio "Dzveli kalaki" (Kutaisi). They spoke with members of the GAC, and in the near future, these activities will be publicized  in the media.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:07

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