Meeting of Advisors’ Board in Khoni


The board of Khoni held the first meeting of the Council of Advisors, established in the framework of the project "Involvement of NGOs working on the issues of social protection, in the strategic dialogue in Georgia." The council approved current members and the statute. It is composed  by representatives of the government and various social groups.

On the same day in the hall of the City Council there was held a meeting of presentation of the project and there was signed a memorandum of understanding between the organization «PIN - Georgia" and the board of the municipality of Khoni. The presentation was attended by local public employees, as well as representatives of organizations working in direction of social protection and health care and NGOs.

According to the participants, the joint activity will contribute to the cooperation of NGOs and public institutions, increase the efficiency of the model of social inclusion at the national as well as local levels.

The project is funded by the European Union and carried out by the Czech non-profit organization "People in Need» (PIN). The partner of the project in Khoni is the Fund "Sukhumi".

Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:07

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