Meeting of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council


Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council received an offer from the side of  Province of Guria, to contribute to the creation of GACs in Guria region on a whole, as many good things were done for Ozurgeti population by joint work of the GAC and self-government.

February meeting of the GAC was attended by the women deputies of Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri  municipalities.

The meeting discussed the principles of the GAC work, is was scheduled to meet in these municipalities for the official formation of the GAC. Women members of Sakrebulo of Lanchkhuti and Chokhatauri municipalitiues with greater motivation received the innovation, which the GAC is going to implement in their municipalities.

The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:06

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