Meeting of the GAC in Kutaisi



Information about current project, familiarization with research results, discussion of the new project – GAC of Kutaisi held ordinary meeting regarding these issues.

In frames of GAC project there was held a cycle of workshops with the students. What was shown: what is informing level of students on gender issues, what are their needs and what kind of recommendations do they suggest – these issues were evaluated by the students, who facilitated the workshops.

GAC members heard information about the results of gender research, conducted with different target groups. Discussion of recommendation will be continued at the following meeting and will be finished by creation of gender policy document.

At the end of meeting the participants discussed working variant of the new project, the aim of which is – creation of scenery for the puppet theatre on the issue of gender.

The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:06

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