Summarizing activities – meeting of the advisors; council in Khoni


During the ordinary eighth meeting of the advisors, council of Khoni, the participants summarized implemented activities and discussed future plans. It was noted that introduction of new services will be noticeably promote to social inclusion of vulnerable groups.

Representatives of local self-government expressed readiness to continue cooperation with local civil organizations and at the same time to promote to sustainability of services. For this reason the budget of the next year will envisage concrete funds.

The meeting also touched the issue of advocacy. There was discussed the reform, planned by the ministry of IDPs and related issues. The council members supported the idea that consultations with beneficiaries, local government, state structures, local and international organizations are necessary before the reform to maximally direct reform to improvement of IDPs lives.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN

Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:04

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