A Meeting on Implementing Gender Approaches in Tkibuli Municipality

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On the initiative of the Fund “Sukhumi”, a meeting was held in the municipality of Tkibuli, with the participation of the top figures from the local self-government, representatives of the local Sakrebulo and City Hall, the local department of the Social Service Agency, members of the municipal Gender Equality Council, and local NGOs.

The general principles of the manual for gender strategies at the local level, developed by the Fund "Sukhumi", have been introduced to the public during the meeting that was followed by an interesting discussion, held during the meeting on gender policy and practice, experiences and challenges in the municipality. Participants talked about the needs identified in terms of more effective social policy.

As it turned out, the municipality has a very good practice of promoting social services for local vulnerable groups aiming at supporting social integration of women, youth and especially the elderly. According to the representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi", it is easy to introduce gender-sensitive approaches in places where there is a fair social practice focused on vulnerable groups, and there are numerous examples of this in Tkibuli, thanks to the Social Engagement Project implemented by PIN (People in Need), which had met the respective political will on the part of the local self-government.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Last modified on Monday, 11 June 2018 17:04

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