Information meeting in Kharagauli municipality

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On July 3 representatives of Fund “Sukhumi” met with members of the Gender Equality Council and other self-government officials in the meeting room of Kharagauli Sakrebulo.

Many topics were discussed at the meeting: local gender policy, the role and functions of the Gender Equality Council; activities that can improve the social environment for different vulnerable groups; aspects of gender budgeting and its basis; how gender parameters are reflected in the organizational budget, and program budget; what the creation of a system of gender statistics will bring; elaboration of programs based on needs research; how important is the system of gender monitoring and analysis; awareness of the essence of gender audit; what should be taken into account the Municipality gender equality action plan; importance of cooperation with qualified non-governmental organizations.

The meeting showed the high qualifications of the municipality officials, the gender adviser and Gender Equality Council members, as well as the motivation for introducing new services.

The meeting was held within the framework of the project “Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance".

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund
Last modified on Thursday, 05 July 2018 15:41

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