Fund “Sukhumi” representatives in Tkibuli

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Representatives of the Fund "Sukhumi" met with members of the Gender Equality Council of the municipality, representatives of financial, legal and social services in the meeting room of Tkibuli Sakrebulo. Representatives of the Fund together with the meeting participants worked on the draft Gender Equality Action Plan.

The Council members defined goals and objectives of the plan, and activities to implement it.

The identified issues related to the institutional development of the Council, the introduction of the local statistical base, needs assessment, gender monitoring and analysis, gender budget, citizen’s participation, and gender mainstreaming in service delivery.

Members of the Council emphasized the topics that they consider important for the plan. They said that the plan will be considered in groups, and consultations will be held with qualified non-governmental organizations. The municipality’s experience in terms of the social inclusion strategy and the development of an action plan will facilitate the work on the plan.

Cooperation and consultations between the Fund “Sukhumi” and the Gender Equality Council of the municipality will be continued.

The meeting was held within the framework of the project “Learning from the experience of Visegrad 4 to advocate for equal, inclusive and democratic local governance".

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund

Last modified on Tuesday, 17 July 2018 19:40

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