Informational meetings in Terjola, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Samtredia, Bagdati and Vani

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In May, informational meetings were held with teachers and representatives of the medical sphere in the municipalities of Terjola, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Samtredia, Bagdati and Vani.

The participants were provided with information about the new project of the Fund “Sukhumi” - “Reinforcing the Domestic Violence Prevention System, Victims Support and Perpetrators Therapy System”.

In frames of the project, the Fund “Sukhumi” will train 50 teachers, 40 health workers and 50 police officers on the issues of violence against women / domestic violence, response and referring.

Teachers and medical staff filled out questionnaires to participate in the training and expressed willingness to cooperate.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization
HumanDoc foundation (Poland)
Last modified on Friday, 14 June 2019 04:28

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