the questionnaire for Voter Advice Application”

Our organization is planning to represent a successful European model – online platform “Voter Advice Application” to raise the voters` awareness before the elections. “Voter Advice Application” implies the creation of the online platform. By answering the application questions, the citizens will be enabled to get acquainted with the position of political entities. It will help the voter to identify the political entity close to his/her views and to make an informed and reasonable choice.

Despite the emergency state in the country caused by Covid-19, Fund “Sukhumi” continues implementation of the project "Online Vote-O-Meter for 2020 Georgian Parliamentary Elections" supported by Visegrad International Fund.

At the given stage, the questionnaire is being worked out. It will imply different acute issued, including those caused by Covid-19. Through the distance work, the influence made on society by the virus has been studied. In the monitoring framework, more than 300 respondents have been questioned.

The project is implemented with the support  of the Visegrad Fund
Last modified on Wednesday, 06 May 2020 06:42

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