Workshops with young people in Ozurgeti and Tskaltubo


Workshops with youth groups were held in Ozurgeti, in the historical school of the village of Tskhemliskhidi. The participants immediately noted that they had worked on the topic of conflicts before, were involved in various projects, so they are looking forward to continuing the discussion on this issue with interest.

The Fund "Sukhumi" first came to school in the village of Tskhunturi of Tskhaltubo municipality. At the meeting with the young people, the school director also attended, who noted that he welcomed the work of the non-governmental sector in the prevention of violence.

At all three workshops participants discussed how important negotiations are in the management of conflicts, which means facilitation, mediation, which should be a third party. Young people plan, use the information they received in practice, develop skills necessary for the facilitation, and not allow conflicts to develop.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 10:52

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