Supsa, Poti, Kutaisi - online meetings

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The online meetings were held with the members of conflict management groups in the school of the village Supsa (Lanchkhuti municipality), the private school “Gymnasium” in Poti and school No. 13 in Kutaisi.

"Methods of peaceful resolution of the conflict" - that was the topic of June. Online meetings were followed by active discussions. The pupils were given advise to listen to the video lesson posted on the Facebook page of the Fund “Sukhumi” and express their comments. They also received homework, and have already started to do it. Some began to record video appeals, others drew an interesting drawing, some wrote an essay, and some wrote a letter to a trusted person.

At the end of the work cycle, members of the conflict management groups share their feedback with the conflict expert. The activity of adolescents is clearly visible on the Facebook page of the Fund “Sukhumi”

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt - Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Saturday, 20 June 2020 16:44

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