6 legal informational and consultation meetings



On May 1, a lawyer of the fund “Sukhumi” held a meeting at Tskaltub Women Support Center.

May 3 - Khurcha Women Support Center / Co-organized a meeting with a lawyer at the school in Ganmukhuri village (Zugdidi municipality).

May 5 - the meeting was held in Poti Women Support Center.

On May 11 - the women met a lawyer at Senaki Women Support Center.

May 15 - on the initiative of Kutaisi Women Support Center, the meeting took place in the library No. 17.

On May 16, the women attended a legal information and consultation meeting at the Khopni Women Support Center.

At the meetings following issues were discussed: the law "On the suppression of domestic violence, the protection of victims of domestic violence and their assistance", domestic law, human rights. And Individual consultations were given on registration of agricultural land, inheritance, labor migration.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 11:01

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