Monitoring of violence during 4 months

A report for 4 months (February-June) on monitoring violence was made.

52 questionnaires were filled in. 31 questionnaires in Women Support Centers (Kutaisi - 4, Tskaltubo - 4, Khoni - 3, Poti - 4, Senaki - 3 Khurcha/koki - 4, Terjola - 3, Ozurgeti - 3, Lanchkhuti - 3). Psychologists and lawyers filled in 21 questionnaires.

The main cases concerned violence against women - from the side of husband, mother in law, son, daughter, etc.

Forms of violence are: physical, psychological, economical.

Mainlyl, the victims are women aged 35-55 years. Several facts of violence against men and the elderly were also revealed.

Beneficiaries used the services of Women Support Centers:

16 people received consultations from lawyer 29 addressed psychologists, joint consultation of psychologist, lawyer and conflictologist were given to 7 couples. There work was done with the traumas and the adolescents - 3 cases on a whole.

During 4 months, two women were given the status of violence victims with the help of the Fund “Sukhumi”. Two protective orders were issued with the help of lawyer-consultants and mobilizers of Women Support Centers.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Wednesday, 27 June 2018 05:54

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