Workshops with young people in Terjla, Poti and Lanchkhuti

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"I was in 6th grade when my mother left for Greece. Now I'm 16, but still remember those emotions. I always had an internal conflict, I did not talk about this with anyone. "

"My mother goes to work in Turkey. First she told me that we had no other way out. I agreed. But after her departure, everything changed in the family. It seems that I have everything, the but I am always annoyed. "

Discussions of such real stories were held with young people on the topic "Women's Migration - Relationship with Family Conflicts".

According to the participants, migration often creates a background for the development of different conflicts, so it is very important to discuss these issues and find ways out.

Workshops were held in Terjola, Poti and Lanchkhuti.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Monday, 23 July 2018 15:46

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