Women Support Centers (530)

Women Support Center these are the branches of the Fund “Sukhumi” in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Terjola, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha / Koki (Zugdidi Municipality), Lanchkhuti, Ozurgeti, created since 2009. The centers are designed to strengthen women, provide social, psychological, legal assistance to women - victims of violence and to crisis families in a difficult life situation. They promote to the protection of women's rights and ensure their socio-psychological rehabilitation.

On July 28, in Senaki, 229 Rustaveli Street, informational meeting of the lawyer was held, which was attended by IDPs and local population.
Meeting participants received information regarding law on IDPs and order of the Minister of Refugees and Accommodation No320, regarding criteria and procedures of IDP long-term resettlement. 
IDP families reside in above mentioned address for a long period. They are socially unprotected and it is difficult for them to pay rent.
The lawyer helped to prepare statement to the Minister of IDPs, in order to provide them with living space in the nearest future.
Besides, the lawyer individually talked with the beneficiaries regarding important issues for them. 
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



Lawyer of  Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council met the residents of Tsereteli street, they were given consultations regarding social, labor and domestic issues.
Also there was prepared statement with the name of residents of Tsutsunava street and submitted to the City Hall of Ozurgeti.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality
In November the lawyer conducted meeting with the residents of Ozurgeti, Dumbadze Street. They defined 3 problems: there is no sewage system, beginning and end of the streets are covered with asphalt, and the average length of about 200 meters is amortized; It has no street gutters of relevant depths and widths and during the rain water comes out.
It was developed an application addressed to the City Hall of Ozurgeti, which is aimed at solving problematic issues, raised at the meeting.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On September 5 the lawyer of the fund “Sukhumi” held informational meeting in one of the collective centers of Kutaisi with participation of 10 IDP women. Their main problem – resettlement. There were discussed common issues, including: criteria of IDP resettlement, ways of demanding pension, IDP status and allowance for the children, if the parents are abroad, suspension of benefits for the IDPs. Participants received competent answers on their questions.
The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


In IDP collective center “Egrisi” of Senaki an informational – consultative meeting was held, which was attended by 13 citizens. They were presented information regarding priorities and programs of Senaki municipality 2015 budget.
33 families reside in “Egrisi”. It was identified that their main problems are gasification and living spaces into the possession. In order to solve them, it was decided to prepare joint statement. Also individual consultations were given. 



The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality


On November 5, Khoni Women Support Center held information and consultation meeting in the village Gocha Jikhaishi.
Subject of psychologist concerned the violence and its social and psychological aspects, need to respond to domestic violence - intervention and prevention
The lawyer acquainted participants of the meeting with the Law on “Combating Domestic Violence, protection and assistance of victims of domestic violence ".Also there were provided legal advices on the issues of duty of the husband after the divorce, division of property and alimony payments.
Women expressed gratitude and asked the Fund "Sukhumi", to continue meetings with them.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)



The participants of the workshop spoke about the campaign "16 active days against gender-based violence" and its meaning.

How to help the victim of violence, who enters into referral subjects, how the law determines their authority - these issues were discussed with the women  participants of the workshops. In their opinion, a person should feel responsible and timely intervene in family conflicts, since the likelihood of becoming a victim of violence for woman is high.

During the discussion, when talking about referral subjects, a special emphasis was put on the responsibility of the school. As it was mentioned, the school is one of the serious links that should actively join in the prevention of violence.

Workshops were held in the Women Support Centers of Kutaisi, Senaki, Tskaltubo.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


In March, a lawyer of Fund "Sukhumi" held seven informational meetings in Kutaisi Women Support Centre and 6 collective centers on the issue: "Participation of citizens in local government." The meetings were attended by 66 people. Individual consultations on different legal issues were held: neighborly relations, credit commitments, issues of vulnerable people, divorce and its procedures.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)


The main part of August was a holiday period for the employees of the Fund "Sukhumi". But, despite this, all planned events were held. Part - in late July, and part - in late August.

Women support centers held information and mobilization meetings in the municipalities of Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskaltubo, Senaki, Poti and Zugdidi. At the meetings, the problems of youth, as well as social programs and health programs of the Abkhazian Autonomous Republic and the list of documents necessary for their receipt for the IDP population were examined.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

In the women support centers, together with group meetings, consultations with individual people are often conducted. It was so this time in Senaki. The individual consultation was held at the request of the beneficiary, who is under the influence of manipulation. The work was carried out with trauma, fears, the method of associative cards was used. Individual work will be continued.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

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