Women Initiative Groups (112)

Women Initiative Group is a group of women, created in 2016 to prevent crisis and conflict situations, to advocate and solve local social problems related to the human security of women. The groups are established in Khoni, Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khurcha (Zugdidi municipality).

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“Violation of the rights of women / girls in villages near the conflict separation line” - two more villages of the Zugdidi municipality: Kakhati and Shamgona were included in the survey conducted in this direction. As a result of the analysis of the data obtained, appropriate recommendations will be developed, the advocacy of which will be conducted at the local level.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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80 women were interviewed in March in the villages near the conflict border line: Khurcha and Orsantia (Zugdidi municipality). The survey is part of the monitoring, which aims to collect data existing in terms of violation of women's rights in the villages and to develop appropriate recommendations.

According to the project, monitoring takes place in six villages that are on located near the conflict border line - from Zugdidi and Tsalenjikha municipalities.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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Monitoring on the topic “Violation of women’s rights in villages on the conflict line” continues. The field monitor conducted survey of beneficiaries in the format of questionnaires, focus groups and in-depth interviews in the villages Pakhulani and Tskhoushi (Tsalenjikha municipality). The data obtained will be reflected in the general analysis, and a general picture will be created ragarding the situation in this direction.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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- Violation of women’s rights in the villages of conflict separation in Abkhazia - in February, a survey was conducted on these issues in Pakhulani and Tskhoushi (Tsalenjikha municipality), Khurcha, Orsantia, Kakhati and Shamgona (Zugdidi municipality).

205 women were interviewed by field monitors of the Fund “Sukhumi” using methods of survey, focus groups, and in-depth interviews.

- In which areas the rights of women are most violated, what problems concern society, how much they are informed about local state programs - the survey mainly dealt with these issues.

The survey will continue next month.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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What problems worry women most of all on conflict separation line, how important are early prevention of these conflicts and advocacy for their solution. These are the issues, that were discussed by members of the Women's Initiative Group in the village Pakhulani (Tsalenjikha municipality). They noted that existing problems are the sign of women's security violation, and their resolution will contribute to the early prevention of conflicts.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)


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The activities in frames of the project on the early prevention of conflicts through a gender-oriented system in the villages near the conflict separation line continues. These villages are: Khurcha, Kakhati, Orsantia, Shamgona (Zugdidi municipality), Pakhulani, Tskoushi (Tsalenjikha municipality).

Members of the Women Initiative Group have already held their first meetings, and have worked to identify the problems of individual communities.

The first meeting was held in Khurcha community. After analyzing the problems, the group members are going to start advocacy.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

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The meeting of the Women Initiative Group of the Fund "Sukhumi" was held in the village  Kakhati (Zugdidi municipality). Participants highlighted problems that could cause the development of conflict in society. Most issues relate to infrastructural and economical spheres. Following months a research will be conducted in the villages along the conflict-dividing line to determine the scope and extent of women's rights violation.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Women initiative groups of the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted monitoring on the issue of domestic violence. The aim of monitoring is the use of GREWS, identification and minimization of risks that cause conflicts in society.

The first stage of monitoring was carried out from October 10 to October 25. The survey was conducted by methods of quantitative and qualitative research: in the format of questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Information was collected on a pre-elaborated questionnaire.

5 field monitors were involved in monitoring. Surveys were conducted in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and villages located on conflict dividing line: Khurcha, Koki, Ganmukhuri, Orsantia, Shamgona (Zugdidi municipality) and Pakhulani, Tskoushi (Tsalenjikha municipality).

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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Fund "Sukhumi" is actively working to implement a gender-oriented system of early conflict prevention in different locations of Western Georgia: Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Zugdidi, the village near the conflict line - Khurcha, Koki, Ganmukhuri, Orsantia, Shamgona, Pakhulani, Tskhoushi. A group of monitors collects weekly information in the fields. After the data systematization through analyzing the received information, conflict situations will be diagnosed and gender risks will be predicted.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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Kutaisi Women’s Initiative Group held informational meetings in different communities. The moderator explained what is the connection between unresolved problems and development of conflict, and how important is their solution at an early stage.

The meeting participants identified social and infrastructural problems that are relevant in their village, and contain the risks of conflict development.

The following problems were highlighted: faulty drainage system and water in the basement, extra noise from the company, located near the settlement, the problem of the roof. After analyzing the problems, the response will begin.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
 womens Foundation (Sweden)

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