Trainings (104)

Training is one of the types of interactive learning. The category reflects the trainings conducted in frames of the projects, as well as participation of the Fund “Sukhumi” staff in the trainings of other organizations.


On the initiative of Gamgeoba, of Senaki Municipallity and fund “Sukhumi” trainings on: “Gender and gender violence” were held in Senaki.

On February 17, pupils of private and public schools gathered in Gamgeoba. The topic of training was new and interesting to them. There were used thematic excercises, role games.

Training will promote to correct explanation of gender equality and formation of non-violent awareness.

On February 18, discussion of the topic was continues in the hall of Sakrebulo. The audience was represented by chairpersons of administrative units of Senaki municipality and members of Sakrebulo.

The participants especially noted preventive mechanisms of violence, remembered real histories, how did they regulate domestic conflicts. At the end of trainings there were elaborated recommendations with the aim of violence prevention and victim assistance.


  The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality



During several days, there were held working meetings, a round table with men, children and adolescents, together with the staff of the fund “Sukhumi” in Borjomi, there were recorded their proposals for the inclusion of new components in the subsequent work. Such an unusual meeting was organized for the first time.

With merry event was celebrated mother's day - the children and mothers participated in contests and games, sang, danced ...

And most important, for the staff of the Foundation, a training - workshop was held on institutional development. They discussed the goals and indicators of the new project, the weaknesses of the organization and ways to overcome them, worked on strategies for fundraising and security.

A lot of flipcharts, a lot of working material, recommendations, initiatives and plans brought the Fund "Sukhumi" from Borjomi - so fruitfully were ended those 3 days.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – EvangelischerEntwicklunsdienst (Germany)


First phase of accounting courses in Terjola was finished (funded by the Czech organization PIN).

The participants studied to preserve and protect existing documents, to fill, carry and handle primary accounting documents.

The courses are held in two groups, each group consist of 15 people. Activities will be continued until the end of the month.


The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


In Tskaltubo there were finished two month courses in frames of the project “Promotion of development of youth professional orientation in Tskaltubo municipality”.

The courses were passed by 16 young people. According to their motivation, they were given more information, than it was envisaged by the program. The graduators were given certificates. It was mentioned that gained knowledge is too important for their employment.

The project is implemented with the support of the Czech organization PIN (donor - World Bank)


The Fund "Sukhumi" has been actively cooperating with local self-government of the Senaki Municipality for more than 10 years. As a result of this cooperation, two years ago the Youth department was renamed the Youth and Gender department. At the initiative of this department, with the support of local self-government, fund “Sukhumi” trainers periodically conduct trainings on gender issues.

In March-April in Senaki, in this small city of Western Georgia one more cycle was conducted of 16 trainings on gender and gender violence. The participants of the trainings were 320 people-employees of kindergartens and cultural institutions, representatives of local authorities and youth. The trainings showed the effectiveness of work in this direction and the impact on the destruction of gender stereotypes.


"Design and Management of Project" - this was the theme of the training organized in Senaki for members of the Gender Advisory Council (GAC) and civil society activists.
Participants were acquainted with the general fundraising techniques, basic and important elements of structure and writing project approach using logic array.
During group work new project ideas of GAC members were originated. Participants tried to correctly formulate the goals, objectives and results of their projects. Their development of knowledge – is a guarantee that they will independently develop projects and find financial support not only locally, but also internationally.

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The project is implemented with the support
 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

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