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Family doctors, ambulance doctors, medical staff of polyclinics and rural clinics gathered at an information meeting at the Medical Clinic of Tsageri Municipality.

They talked about topical issues: the law on the elimination of violence against women / domestic violence, about referral mechanisms and specifically about the role of the medical personnel in terms of victim identification and assistance. There was also a presentation of a publication published on these issues specifically for the medical staff. The participants of the meeting expressed their views and readiness to become more actively involved in the prevention process.

The project is implemented in partnership with the Human Doc Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs Cooperation Development of Poland

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Terjola Municipality has approved the Action Plan for 2020-2021, which aims to promote the implementation of public administration reform - the development of e-services. This was one of the issues at the ordinary meeting of Sakrebulo, which was held under the leadership of Sakrebulo Chairperson - Nino Janelidze.

The plan was elaborated in the framework of the project: A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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The action plan prepared by the working group should be soon submitted for approval to the meeting of Khoni Sakrebulo. There is already a final version of the plan, but the members of the working group once again gathered in the conference hall of Sakrebulo. The meeting reviewed a preliminary working process that will prepare the ground for the approval of the action plan. The meeting was attended by representatives of the City Hall and Sakrebulo and civil society organizations.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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With the participation of the Imereti Scientists' Union “Spectri”, a third meeting took place between the team that implements the project in Ozurgeti municipality (“Center for Education and Equality” and "Young Teachers' Union")  and members of the local working group.

The details of the strategic plan developed by the working group, submission and approval of the mentioned plan to Ozurgeti Sakrebulo were discussed at the meeting. The members of the group expressed their desire to receive information about the working groups established in other municipalities and their activities within the framework of the project.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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The exacerbation of Covid-19 changed the situation again, so the meeting with civil society organizations (CSOs) of Terjola was held online.

The meeting was attended by two organizations: the Union for the Protection of Children's Rights and Civic Education "Children - the Future of Georgia" and "Women for the Future of Georgia". CSO members talked about mini-projects implemented in the municipality, about their effectiveness, and the inclusion of local self-government in various activities. The issue of creating a new organization was also discussed. Several versions were presented

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia


How is the project progressing in COVID-19 condition? How the project participants will respond to new challenges? What is planned for the future? These and other questions were discussed in Ozurgeti, at a consultation meeting by members of the organizations participating in the project.

One of the project partners is Imereti Scientists' Union “Spectri”, and in Ozurgeti the project is being implemented by two civil society organizations - the Center for Education and Equality and the Young Teachers’ Union.

The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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The IDP initiative group of Khoni and the Center for Education and Development “Edelweiss” - with participation of these civil society organizations of Khoni, an online meeting was held. General reports on the work done and the mini-projects of organizations were presented at the meeting.

Organizations are actively involved in the activities of the working groups, meet with representatives of local self-government.

During the meeting, they also spoke about the creation of a new organization - this is a new initiative of the project. There is a proposal to register a youth initiative group as a new CSO.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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A meeting of the working group took place in Vani Sakrebulo. The meeting discussed the options for a code of ethics, so that the municipality began to develop a code of ethics. This is one of the activities of the working group. The members of the group try to actively include the legal services of the municipality in the working process.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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In the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”, the project partner, Imereti Scientists Union "Spectri" held another press conference dedicated to the results of the second monitoring of the implementation of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) roadmap at the local level in the target municipalities of Guria, Imereti and Racha-lechkhumi. Representatives of electronic and printed media operating in the target municipalities as well as in Kutaisi took part in the press conference.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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Аn ordinary consultative meeting was held with participation of the representatives of Imereti Scientists' Union “Spectri” and the NGS working in Lanchkhuti municipality - Georgian Rural Council and Lanchkhuti Informational Center.
The current activities within the project in Lanchkhuti Municipality, the terms of their implementation, the problems and the ways to solve them were discussed at the meeting.
The work is carried out in the framework of the project “A common forum for CSOs from Guria, Imereti and Racha-Lechkhumi for PAR Roadmap monitoring”.

The project is implemented with the support the European Union - #EU4Georgia

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