Project in Senaki “youth against violence against women”


Senaki WSC implemented a project “youth against violence against women”. In frames of the project in schools of three villages of municipalities – Nosiri, Dzveli Senaki and Nokalakevi there were held workshops on: “Gender and gender violence”.

The participants of the workshops were the pupils of 10-th and 11-th grades. Method of “brain storming” defined opinions and attitudes of young people towards the issues of gender and gender violence. they spoke about the results of violence, influence on women and children.

Then the youth expressed initiatives and conducted informational meetings with the followers. In Nosiri and Dzveli Senaki the pupils organized actions with the slogan: “No – to Violence”.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Last modified on Saturday, 16 June 2018 11:48

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